Monday, August 24, 2020

Overhead Costing

Questions: You have recently been employed as a bookkeeper by GoodStyle Furniture, a maker of claim to fame, hand-made furniture situated in South Australia. The furniture created by Goodstyle is in two territories, Modern and Classical. The two territories are diverse in structure, however both are top notch, hand-made furnishings and are valued as needs be. The proprietor of the organization, Brenton Pryce, has consistently had confidence in estimating a quality item dependent on how much their bigger rivals are evaluating theirs. His contention has been that our item is as acceptable, if worse, than the mass makers of furniture, so we ought to charge at any rate so a lot, if not more, than what they charge. At the point when you showed up grinding away just because, you discovered that the however the organization has been in presence throughout the previous twelve years, they have never had a bookkeeper. The records were regularly arranged by the Laura Peters , secretary of Brenton Pryce an d Tom Nichols, low maintenance bookkeeper who came in on more than one occasion per month. Tom has educated Brenton that he could not, at this point save the future time in and has recommended the requirement for a bookkeeper on a full time premise, which is the reason you have been employed. Brenton, however, is as yet not persuaded of the requirement for a full time bookkeeper. See, for what reason do I need a full-time bookkeeper? By the day's end, I should simply aggregate up my incomes, aggregate up my costs and the thing that matters is my benefit. Do I truly need to comprehend my item costs? What is the reason for that? Dislike I can bring down my costs if my item costs are lower. I simply follow the large folks like Hardly Normal and Super A-shop and value my item as indicated by their costs. For what reason do I have to know what my item costs are? asked Brenton. Laura, who has been the secretary cum accountant (of sorts) since the day the organization began has arranged so me data for you. Attempting to be useful, she has alphabetised the records. I don't think a lot about bookkeeping, said Laura. However, Tom has said that we need a Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured and a Schedule of Cost of Goods Sold, whatever that implies. I have a years ago records for you, so would you be able to please set up those calendars or whatever and get it to Brenton? The alphabetised rundown of records can be found in Appendix A. Four days into your work, there was a fire throughout the end of the week in the principle office that put away the records. The assembling office was not influenced and work could go on, notwithstanding, a large portion of the data that was for the present years accounts was harmed and just fractional pieces were lucid. Fortunately your work on a years ago records were not influenced as you had brought them home to finish was still in procedure of finishing them.You need to get me back all the data that is currently lost! My lenders need to see that data and I need you to deal with it asap said BrentonSifting through cinders and meeting chosen representatives, you have stirred up some extra data: a) Laura recalls unmistakably that the foreordained overhead rate depended on 60,000 direct-work hours to be worked for the year and $180,000 in overhead expenses. (Tom referenced this before he left, Laura said. No thought why it is significant, yet in the event that it can support you, good karma.) b) The work in process balance was $4,500 at first April . Likewise the creation directors cost sheets demonstrated just one occupation in process on 30th April. Materials of $2,600 had been added to this activity, and 300 direct work hours had been used at $6 every hour on this activity. c) The records payable are for crude material buys just, as indicated by Laura. She plainly recollects that the parity in the record on first April was $6,000. Checking with Brenton for his check hits, installments of $40,000 were made to pro viders during April. (All materials utilized were immediate materials.) .The equalization in the Accounts Payable record was $8,000 at 30 April .d) A burned bit of the finance record shows that 5,200 direct work hours were recorded for the month. Laura has affirmed that there were no varieties in pay rate (for example all workers were paid $6 every hour.) e) Records in the distribution center show that the completed products stock totalled $11,000 on first April. Likewise the completed merchandise balance was $16,000 on 30th April .f) The parity in the Raw Materials account was $12,000 on first April.g)Actual Manufacturing overhead acquired during April was $14,800.h) From another burned bit of paper, you perceived that the expense of products made for April was $89,000. You are currently prepared to and give Brenton the data he needs before you lose your employment! At the point when you went in to reveal to him that you would now be able to begin chipping away at the data, Brenton discloses to you that he has addressed Tom (their past low maintenance bookkeeper) and that the accompanying data are required: Tom says we need the accompanying data: Work in process toward the finish of April, crude materials bought in April, Overhead applied, Cost of merchandise sold in April, and Raw materials utilized in April. He likewise proposed that we ought to be taking a gander at whether the overhead was finished or under-applied, whatever that implies. Required: Prepare a report (close to 10-pages) for Brenton Pryce that tends to the accompanying: a) The reason for an item costing framework. b) Preparation of a Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured and Cost of Goods Sold for a year ago. (The calendars might be in the addendum). Clarify why a few things have been prohibited from the calendars. c)An Income Statement for a year ago accepting that expense is charged at 30% on Income before taxd) Determine the qualities for the following:i. Work in Process toward the finis h of April; ii. Crude materials bought in April; iii. Overhead applied in April; iv. Cost of Goods sold in April; v. Crude materials utilized in April; and, vi. Over-or under-applied overhead in April. e) Discuss how overheads can be finished or under-applied and how the organization should manage the over-or under-application. Timetable ALast years accounts Regulatory compensations $2,400 Publicizing cost 1,200 Devaluation processing plant building 800 Deterioration - production line gear 1,600 Deterioration - office hardware 180 Direct work cost 21,900 Crude materials stock, starting 2,100 Crude materials stock, finishing 3,200 Completed products stock, starting 46,980 Completed products stock,. finishing 44,410 General obligation protection cost 240 Aberrant work cost 11,800 Protection on manufacturing plant 1,400 Acquisition of crude materials 14,600 Fixes and support of production line Sales 110,000 900 Deals compensations 2,000 Expenses on production line 450 Travel and diversion cost 1,410 Work in process stock, starting 1,670 Work in process stock, finishing 1,110 Answer: Part (B) Cost of Goods Manufactured Cost of Goods Sold Cost sheet of new goodstyle furniture Points of interest $ $ Crude material expended Opening stock $2,100.00 Include Buy $14,600.00 Less Shutting stock $3,200.00 $13,500.00 Include Direct work $21,900.00 Prime cost(note 1) $35,400.00 Include Aberrant work $11,800.00 Include Protection manufacturing plant $1,400.00 Include Rates on manufacturing plant $450.00 Include Fixes maintaince of manufacturing plant $900.00 Include Deterioration fac - building $800.00 Include Deterioration fac - hardware $1,600.00 Works cost(note 2) $52,350.00 Include Opening wip $1,670.00 Less Shutting wip $1,110.00 Processing plant overhead(note 3) $52,910.00 Office authoritative cost Include Authoritative pay rates $2,400.00 Include Deterioration office hardware $180.00 Include Travel diversion exps $1,410.00 (A) Cost of production(note 4) $56,900.00 (cost of products fabricated) Include Opening load of completed products $46,980.00 Less Shutting load of completed products $44,410.00 (B) Cost of products sold(note 5) $59,470.00 (cost of products sold) Selling Include Promoting exps $1,200.00 Include Deals compensations $2,000.00 Cost of sales(note 6) $62,670.00 Note 1: Prime Cost: Under prime cost we incorporate three fundamental components. Direct Material-We incorporate the crude material devoured part Direct Labor-Labor legitimately related with the creation of products and enterprises Direct Expenses-Expenses legitimately related with creation Note 2: Works Cost: Under works cost we incorporate all aberrant cost identified with industrial facility. These are manufacturing plant protection, fuel, deterioration, and so on Note 3: Factory Overhead: It is the total of Prime expense and Works cost. Note 4: Cost of Production: This is the genuine expense of creation of furniture. It requires change of opening and shutting Work In Progress Note 5: Cost of Goods Sold: When we change the opening and shutting supply of f

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Turtle Jean Lafitte Adventures of a Pet Psychic Free Essays

string(37) got sucked into Gordon’s act. Gordon 1 Stephanie Gordon College Writing 112. 005 Guyant 10/11/11 Psychics perusing the artless Gordon 2 The present reality is loaded up with clairvoyants guaranteeing they can perform undertakings including extrasensory projections. There are individuals who state they can talk with the dead, read minds, feel energies, and see into what's to come. We will compose a custom paper test on The Turtle Jean Lafitte: Adventures of a Pet Psychic or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now It is simple, when powerless and guileless enough, to fall into what these clairvoyants are stating. Most will say what you need to hear so as to pick up validity for themselves, or even to simply procure a living. It is a confounded thing to contend, be that as it may, on the grounds that this science can't be demonstrated valid. It has without a doubt been demonstrated a scam on numerous occasions, yet there are different sides to each story. The individuals who accept and become tied up with what these mystics are stating are the ones who keep this business alive. I imagine that individuals will accept what they need to accept, which is the reason clairvoyants can keep putting on an act to make devotees out of the guileless. There is a term utilized in Psychology to speak to when it is really the subjects who cause a perusing to succeed. It is known as the â€Å"fallacy of individual approval. This implies when somebody is being perused by a mystic, the manner in which they decipher the perusing to coordinate their own character is the thing that causes them to put stock in what the clairvoyant is stating (Gordon 48). This is frequently evident with horoscopes. We typically just read the ho roscope that coordinates with our own birthday, however when perusing ones that are for different months, they can be coordinated up to anybody. Horoscopes can be general, for example, â€Å"Good things are coming your way†, or â€Å"You will meet somebody with potential for a relationship next month†. These things could be deciphered in an alternate manner for each individual who understands them. Nearly anybody could figure out how to fit the readings into their own lives. More often than not the horoscope â€Å"predicts† things that would have happened to an individual in any case. Odds are whoever peruses it will have something great transpire or meet another person any timeframe after they have understood it. It is the false notion of individual approval that causes cosmic readings to appear to be so exact for every person. Clairvoyants themselves have a ton of trust in what they do. Despite the fact that there are some who realize they are faking it, there are other people who genuinely accept they have a blessing. One mystic who Gordon 3 gets by off of being a peruser, DeAna, lives in the United Kingdom. She clarifies in a meeting that since the time she was a little youngster, her loved ones were confounded when DeAna knew data that she was rarely straightforwardly told. She continually knew data that she not exclusively ought not, yet couldn't have known. Utilizing her aptitude as a profession measure didn't come until some other time throughout everyday life. When asked â€Å"How have you become a clairvoyant peruser? † DeAna answers, â€Å"A woman I worked with was unpleasantly distressed about a relative who had gone AWOL. One day she gave me an espresso and I discovered data about the individual flooding in †as she contacted me. I gave her the data and the individual was found. She was stunned from the start and afterward excited and told a horrendous part of individuals! Before I knew it, following a 12 hour move †6 days per week, I would show up home to discover individuals looking out for my doorstep requiring a perusing. † (DeAna) She keeps on clarifying how she helped individuals when her day of work at her customary activity, for no compensation. One day a lady went along who was annoyed when DeAna would not acknowledge installment. She reproved the mystic and said that she was offering a help and ought to anticipate installment for her abilities. DeAna chose to make her readings an all day work, after the lady put things into viewpoint for her. She figured she should utilize her blessing to help at whatever point she could, at whatever point she could. DeAna before long understood this was her purpose in life, and decided to begin charging every last bit of her customers and transform her ability into a profession. DeAna helps individuals who are searching for answers. Her customers who currently pay her for perusing meetings face to face and via telephone, go to her since they need assistance with something in their lives. DeAna even helps corporate organizations in finding the right candidate for a vocation. She expresses that she worked out a section for every candidate on their character attributes and qualities through her eyes. Maybe the individual accountable for recruiting had poor aptitudes in his activity zone regardless, which is the reason others he had employed didn't wind up working out for their organization. The truth is, each individual DeAna has chosen for the organization has worked incredibly well in their position. Exclusive, who confesses to being a phony, is Henry Gordon. He considers himself a mentalist-entertainer, Gordon 4 since his stunts are what he calls slight of brain. His profession has been founded on exposing the individuals who guarantee to have mysterious or clairvoyant forces. In 1977 (Gordon 3), he put on an enchantment act in his old neighborhood, however performed under the stage name Elchonen and wore a cover so his character would remain covered up. In the wake of playing out a few astounding stunts, the crowd was totally guided and become tied up with his whole execution. At the point when it came time for the subsequent demonstration, Gordon left stage without his veil and was immediately perceived by his locale. He told individuals they had been hoodwinked, and continued to clarify why it is so natural for them to accept his stunts. Individuals in the crowd had each motivation to be disturbed. They had placed themselves in a defenseless position and got sucked into Gordon’s act. You read The Turtle Jean Lafitte: Adventures of a Pet Psychic in classification Papers This is likewise part of the explanation individuals accept so firmly in mystics and their readings. The individuals who are interested are the ones who are effectively maneuvered into the scam. After an environment is made with a precious stone ball, a couple of right speculations, and only a trace of conviction, a clairvoyant can pull a customer in and the rest is history. It is simple for a mentalist performer like Gordon to pull straightforward deceives and draw in an after. A few individuals from the crowd in Gordon’s show were so vexed they requested their cash back. Gordon revealed to them they would get a full discount for their ticket on the off chance that they requested it at the ticket office. He later discovered a large portion of the individuals who got their discount returned to discover the stunts of his exchange. He considers himself a mentalist performer, since he utilizes slight of brain stunts, instead of skillful deception. His stunts test a person’s mind, as opposed to how well they were focusing. Gordon gets by off of exposing clairvoyants and any individual who claims they have extra tangible projection. He says that he could get by off of being a performer, yet there is something remaining among him and a real existence loaded with wealth. His inner voice. Mystics make general suppositions that lead to explicit answers, in view of the reactions of the individual they are perusing. (75) This is the thing that causes the individual to accept they are partaking in something outside our common world. It is the thing that pulls them in and changes their mind in this wonder. A few people will in general accept when they need an answer that they can't appear to discover on their Gordon 5 own. Nearby law implementation has been known to utilize a mystic when they have hit an impasse during a case. This happens once in a while. Periodically the mystic is gotten by the group of the person in question, and not law authorization legitimately. Law authorization will agree to the clairvoyant in the event that they believe they have no different alternatives and need assistance making a stride toward another path. The mystics, be that as it may, can be to a greater degree an issue than an assistance. Police might be searching for a positive development, however consider the possibility that the mystic sets them on a totally off-base way. Time is of the pith in most of these cases and a mystic may lose the whole examination. In the event that a clairvoyant decides to help in a hunt, authorities may choose to overlook their cases. Limited, Mr. Baron Curley, is amazingly certain about his mystic capacities. He boasts to his adherents about how his assistance prompted a capture in a homicide examination. Curley states that he gave a composite drawing of the supposed executioner in the examination of the Atlanta Child Murders. He at that point asserts that in light of his assistance, a criminal named Wayne Williams was caught four and a half days after the fact. Since Curley appeared to be so certain about his assistance, Henry Gordon went to research the amount he had truly helped the specialists on the result of this case. When Gordon reached the Federal Bureau of Investigations about Curley’s help with the case, he got an immediate statement from the Press Information Office. â€Å"Mr. Lord Curley reached our Atlanta office (deliberately) in 1980 and 1981. He sent in a review of what he figured the subject would resemble, and he sent in a type of a drawing. Be that as it may, there was no effect looking into the issue because of what he sent in. (Gordon 88) This demonstrates clairvoyants can boast about utilizing their capacities, however except if somebody dives further in the issue, they won't know how much the mystic truly made a difference. Clairvoyants may have assisted law implementation with their feedback, yet it doesn't imply that they prompted any sort of determination for a situation. Assume the FBI had utilized Curleyà ¢â‚¬â„¢s drawings. They may have captured a man who coordinated the image, yet who was not the criminal who carried out the killings. Any situation coming about because of Curley’s deliberate assistance could have sent the whole examination in a totally misguided course. Fortunately the Bureau was shrewd enough to disregard this mystic and stick with their own arrangement of methods. Gordon 6 Having trust in their work is

Thursday, July 23, 2020

How to Select Best Writing Service

How to Select Best Writing Service Tips for Choosing the Best Writing Service Home›Informative Posts›Tips for Choosing the Best Writing Service Informative PostsWhen you get a college writing assignment, you have only two options: to spend several hours trying to write the paper on your own or to get your assignment done by some writing service. While those students who don’t have a part-time job and are able to allocate most of their time to studying are completely fine with the first option, there are other students who, for whatever reason, simply don’t have enough time to write their paper by themselves. Thus, they have to turn to professionals who can complete their assignment quickly and at high quality standards. These days, you can find a great number of writing services online. But how do you choose the best writing service?Things to consider when looking for the best writing service:PricingThe vast majority of students do not have big sums of extra money, which they can spend on whatever they want, like paying for their writing assignment. That is why affordability of writing services is what you should always take into consideration. Remember, you don’t need the best writing service ever; you need the best writing service for you. Some services might charge a high price claiming that your paper will be written by a Pulitzer Prize winner, but does it really matter to you? As long as your paper is of high quality and delivered on time, you don’t really care who wrote it. So there’s no need to overpay.Looking where to BUY AN ESSAY?Save your time and money! Use professionals service to get an A+ paper Place an order get 15%offfor your first orderFeedbackOne of the most convenient ways to find out about the quality of basically any product or service is to read reviews of people who have already tried it. That is why the best writing service is not afraid to allow their customers leave feedback on their official web-site or elsewhere. However, you ha ve to look through the comments section very carefully: if all the comments are positive and sound alike and a bit unnatural, it’s likely that they are fake.Language CompetenceWhen you are searching for the best writing service, you need to know whether your paper will be written by a native speaker or not. Many writing companies use the services of foreign writers, since they don’t have to pay them as much as they would have to pay to native speakers. Very often, it results in poor grammar, inappropriate use of the vocabulary and various stylistic mistakes. And you don’t want to pay for a low-quality work, do you?All in all, in order to find the best writing service, you need to make sure that their price policy corresponds to the quality of the services they provide. Also, you should always pay attention to the feedback provided by the service’s previous customers.

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Importance Of Federalism - 1928 Words

In the American government the term federalism is very important since it deals with the division of power. Federalism is defined to be a form of government in which some powers are assigned to the national government, and some to the lower levels of government. The two types of government are the national and state government. The state government, which is the same as the federal government deals with Military issues, treaties, interstate highways, and welfare programs.The state government is involved with regulating marriage, issuing drivers license,education and state roads and public safety.Federalism deals with the way the law is given out in the united states. This is very important because it allows the states to keep things in†¦show more content†¦Therefore the states have the right to nullify a law. When a state decides to nullify a law its because they believe it’s unfair to them. Not to mention that â€Å" we† the people are the ones that vote and g ive our opinions and thoughts. The federal law needs to keep in mind that we the citizens ask for certain things. I believe states have the right to back down or to do something because they don’t agree with what’s being done. I understand that the federal law have power over the states. But by nullifying the law that has been made demonstrates the state standing up for what they believe. But, at the end of the day the federal law wins because they have more power against the states. But one of the actions states can take would be nullifying a law. Well the ability of the states to disregard federal laws can seem to interfere with the power of the federal government and the Supremacy clause. The Supremacy clause is very important just as the federal government when it deals with laws. According to Jillson The Supremacy Clause is the â€Å" Article VI of the constitution it declares that the acts of the national government within its areas of legitimate authority will be supreme over the state constitutions and laws (65)†. The supremacy clause is extremely important just as the federal laws because in the constitution it’s said that they are the supreme of the law. Which in this case it means that the supremacy clause andShow MoreRelatedImportance Of Federalism And How The United States Structure Is Based Upon This Form Of Government2428 Words   |  10 Pagesto be the concept of federalism and how the United States structure is based upon this form of government, the various models and explanations that attempt t o address how the public policy process implements or does not implement policies in regards to an assortment of public matters, as well as learning about various contemporary public policy issues and various interest groups that provide support for legislative reform. Federalism Policy Restraint Foremost, federalism is â€Å"a system of governmentRead MoreThe Concept of Federalism in the US1083 Words   |  4 PagesFederalism Paper The concept of Federalism in the U.S. has experienced a lot of progress through time and it is presently considered to have a positive impact on the country as a whole and on the way that states govern themselves. 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Federalism encompasses not only a diversity of opinionRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Constitutional Federalism966 Words   |  4 PagesFederalism is the system of government in which the United States and many other countries operate. . Federalism a system that involves compromising between the two extremes of Centralization and Decentralization. The system always has opposing sides pushing to get the balance more to their side of the spectrum. In the United States these forces are usually seen as Democrats and Republicans. I see the U.S. located on the spectrum of fe deralism much closer to Centralization than Decentralization.Read MoreAmerica s Regional Division Is One Of A Kind1114 Words   |  5 Pagesthe nation in Canada. As â€Å"Federalism is at once a vehicle for accommodation; a way of reconciling the minority nations and groups to the larger whole and a device for perpetuating and institutionalizing the very cleavages it is designed it is designed to manage† (Turgeon Co.12) allows unity of the nation to be held. The prior statement rings true even when the â€Å"October Crisis† occurred: the Canadian people, Quebec included, still stand strong together. Canadian federalism not only breeds accommodationRead MoreThe U. S. Constitution1506 Words   |  7 Pagesdemocracies we can see how they all have relationship between one another. Topic #3. Compare and contrast two theories of federalism (dual and cooperative) in the U.S. system. Federalism is the division of power between a central government and regional or state governments(Overton). The advantages of dual federalism as compared to cooperative federalism are that in dual federalism, the roles of each are clearly defined. The states held the power in the relationship, and the federal government stuckRead MoreStudy Outline for Chapter 3: Federalism1301 Words   |  6 PagesSï » ¿tudy Outline   Chapter 3: Federalism I. Governmental structure A. Federalism: good or bad? A.1. Definition: political system with local governmental units, in addition to national one, that can make final decisions A.2. Examples of federal governments: Canada, India, and Germany A.3. Examples of unitary governments: France, Great Britain, and Italy A.4. Special protection of subnational governments in federal system is the result of: A.4.a. Constitution of country A.4.b. Habits, preferencesRead MoreThe Effects Of Government On Our Life Essay1653 Words   |  7 Pageslaws made by the Federal government only if they are constitutional. Next, let’s discuss how federalism is a more compound mode of government then other forms. Our federalist style government is what makes America great. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020

Where is Robin Hood Disparity of Incomes - 1976 Words

Tell me where you were born and Ill tell you your future. This is the harsh reality facing the vast majority of the worlds population, particularly in developing countries where the concentration of wealth is striking! Take Bangladesh (8th most populous country on earth) for example, with a population half that of the United States but a GDP(Gross Domestic Product) that is 141 times smaller and that gap is only getting bigger. This is not the only problem however, even scarier is the growing disparity of income within countries themselves. Brazil is perhaps a model example of such disparity; being home to some of the poorest as well as the richest people in the world. Its no secret either, the segregation between the rich and the poor†¦show more content†¦A recent study of children in the United kingdom revealed that those who came from families receiving governmental aid differed greatly from the rest of the population. According to the study, the less fortunate children gave less of an importance to school than others, rebelled more, were bullied more often, had higher dropout rates and had much lower expectations for their future (Tess Ridge). A number of factors are to blame for the af ore mentioned results; first off, children, willing or not, usually follow in the footsteps of their parents. Furthermore, parental involvement in scholastics is feeble at best in most cases whether it is due to loack of time or care the effects remain the same: children dont have enough guidance or motivation to make an effort in their academics. Education is but one of the many aspects of society under heavy fire yet it renders societies incapable of any income mobility whatsoever. Even more restrictive to income mobility in society is the reality of intergenerational inequality: fortune but most often misfortune of income passed down from generation to generation. The scary thing about this term is that it is the case for most families around the world and creates a vicious circle whereby noone can get out of the horrors of poverty and the rich can only get richer. Imagine global income as aShow MoreRelatedThe State Of The Texas Education System1245 Words   |  5 Pagesof Texas students. How has the Texas education system replaced? Public education in the Texas has played a major role in shaping society. The schools and parents in low income areas have often assumed the position of social fears. This relationship of education to the views of Texas society is prevalent throughout the low income areas, thoughtful, and complex. One principle that Texas have had problems coping with, it is the concept of equality. Equality of opportunity means that no one should beRead MoreNew Era Of American Prosperity Essay1881 Words   |  8 Pagespostsecondary education as a means to success. 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Traffickers attempted to influence government policies through large contributions to politicians and electoral campaigns This is exceptional in the 1982 election, where contributions from drug cartels were a large funding source, moreover, the 1994 election, the funds collected by the Samper campaign were deemed scandalous and even made international headlines . The latter case, sparked an inquiry into the corruptionRead MoreViolence on Television Does Not Impact Behavior Essay3474 Words   |  14 Pagessponges, they absorb but dont distinguish. We wonder why there exists this bellicose disposition among Americans, a characteristic prevalent more so here than in any other country. Could it be that media violence has evolved into an intricate art where the more money and computer graphics spent on the mind-blowing action exhibitions makes all the difference in profit? Could it be that the artificial death spectacles and mass slau ghter of insignificant characters desensitizes us to the finality andRead MoreBuild-a-Bear International Expansion Into the Chinese Toy Market7895 Words   |  32 PagesCapital requirements are stipulated to be a minimum of $5 million for each start up franchise. A major factor influencing our decision was the role of Chinas ‘little emperors’ in the economy. As the Chinese economy develops the amount of disposable income available to the ‘little emperors’ is directly increasing, who themselves fit perfectly into build a bears target market of children aged 14 or under. This target market is estimated to be in the region of almost 300 million children which makes ChinaRead MoreMonsanto: Better Living Through Genetic Engineering96204 Words   |  385 Pagescases and then present the results of your work. Using this framework in a classroom setting yields valuable experiences that can, in turn, help you to successfully complete assignments that you will rece ive from your employer. The third section is where we describe brieï ¬â€šy what you can expect to occur during in-class case discussions. As this description shows, the relationship and interactions between instructors and active learners/students during case discussions are different than they are duringRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesexchanges. Despite these endeavors, the levels of domestic and international violence within human populations and the ravages visited upon animals and the natural world by humans vastly exceeded that of any previous era in history. In a century where human communities globally and individuals locally had the potential to be much more intensely connected by new communications technologies, state-sponsored programs to achieve autarky, a global epidemic of ethnic strife, uncontrolled urban growth

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Introduction of Apple Company Free Essays

Apple Inc, is an American multinational corporation with a focus on designing and manufacturing consumer electronics and closely-related software products. Headquartered in Cupertino, California, Apple develops, sells, and supports a series of personal computers, portable media players, computer software, and computer hardware accessories; Apple is also currently involved in the creation of new technology concepts, such as the iPhone, Apple TV, and many features of its new, upcoming operating system, Mac OS X â€Å"Leopard†. Apple also operates an online store for hardware and software purchases, as well as the iTunes Store, a comprehensive offering of digital downloadable music, audiobooks, games, music videos, TV shows, and movies. We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction of Apple Company or any similar topic only for you Order Now The company’s best-known hardware products include the Mac line of personal computers and related peripherals, the iPod line of portable media players, and the iPhone, which has a confirmed release date of June 29 2007 in the U. S. Apple’s best known software products include the Mac OS operating system and the iLife software suite, a bundle of integrated amateur creative software products. Both Mac OS and iLife are included on all Macs sold. ) Additionally, Apple is also a major provider of professional (as well as â€Å"prosumer†) audio- and film-industry software products. Apple’s professional and â€Å"prosumer† applications, which run primarily on Mac computers, include Final Cut Pro, Logic Audio, Final Cut Studio, and related industry tools. Apple had worldwide annual sales in its fiscal year 2006 (ending September 30, 2006) of US$19. 3 billion. The company, first incorporated January 3, 1977, was known as Apple Computer, Inc. or its first 30 years. On January 9, 2007, The company dropped â€Å"Computer† from its corporate name to reflect that Apple, once best known for its computer products, now offers a broader array of consumer electronics products. The name change, which followed Apple’s announcement of its new iPhone smartphone and Apple TV digital video system, is representative of the company’s ongoing expansion into the consumer electronics market in addition to its tr aditional focus on personal computers. In 1977, the Apple II computer became the first personal computer to include color graphics. Steve Jobs created a sleek plastic case design for the new system having drawn his inspiration from the calculators cases he saw being produced at Hewlett Packard; previously, computer cases had been manufactured out of sheet metal. The Apple II was a major success with earnings of close to $139 million within only three years. People began to take notice of the young company. In 1981, Steve Jobs introduced the Apple III computer. Because of a flaw in the computer’s design the first 14,000 units were recalled which in turn caused sales of the system to taper off. In 1983, with its dynamic growth, Steve Jobs figured that Apple could use a professional CEO, feeling that he did not have the necessary experience to keep the position. He personally recruited John Sculley, president of Pepsi Co. , as Apple’s new Chief Executive Officer. The same year, Apple announced the release of the first personal computer that would be almost entirely mouse-based. This revolutionary new system would be called the Lisa. Unfortunately, the Lisa’s retail price of $9,995 made it cost prohibitive for the majority of the general public. Having been removed from the Lisa team, Steve Jobs joined the staff of a smaller project at Apple. He headed the design of a new computer system for the home market that would retail for a more price friendly $500. This proposed system was later named the Macintosh. The emphasis on the design of the Macintosh was in simplicity; Steve Jobs wanted it to appeal to the average computer user. The Macintosh was eventually fitted with a number of the Lisa’s GUI features. Like the Lisa, the Macintosh’s operating system lacked function keys which forced users to rely on the mouse to navigate through the operating system. The Macintosh contained 128K of memory which was twice that of the equivalent PC at the time and a 32-bit microprocessor which outclassed the PC’s 16-bit microprocessor How to cite Introduction of Apple Company, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Psychological Analysis of “The Butterfly Effect” Essay Essay Example

Psychological Analysis of â€Å"The Butterfly Effect† Essay Paper This paper revolves around the four chief psychological facets of the 2004 film The Butterfly Effect which are memory retrieval in Evan. injury in the characters. depression. and Evan’s therapy. In memory we will look through the protagonist’s. Evan. yesteryear and how he represses his memory and retrieves them back as grownup. In injury we will look at the different events Evan’s friend Lenny experiences and how it affects his life and gives him traumatic upsets. Following. we will analyze depressive symptoms in the character Kayleigh. Finally. we will look at the different interventions Evan’s healer utilizations on him and his grounds why. I will uncover each of the function these four facets play and relate them to the characters and the film. We will write a custom essay sample on Psychological Analysis of â€Å"The Butterfly Effect† Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Psychological Analysis of â€Å"The Butterfly Effect† Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Psychological Analysis of â€Å"The Butterfly Effect† Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In the film The Butterfly Effect a male child named Evan develops a unknown familial disease where he blacks out during really traumatic events. These blackouts finally fade off when we moves off and he neer experiences them once more. One twenty-four hours. in college he reads an old diary from his childhood and all the old memories hit him like a brick. Within yearss he discovers he is able to really travel back in clip and alteration those past traumatic events. which consequences in a series altered worlds. In these different worlds. non merely do the events alteration. but Evan and his friends develop wholly new idenities This film chiefly revolves around Evan’s memory. injury and depression in some of the characters. and the therapy used to seek to handle Evan’s unwellness. In that brief drumhead alone you are able to see that Evan’s memory is a big portion of this film. Throughout the films Evan goes through periods of memory repressions where he gets these unmanageable blackouts. normally under times of heavy emphasis and injury. and wakes up wholly unaware of what happened. These blackouts occurred when he is take parting in kid erotica. killing a adult females and her babe. his male parent seeking to kill him and watching his Canis familiaris be burned alive. Repressed memories are â€Å"memories of existent events that were pushed into the unconscious because they are emotionally endangering ( Kosslyn and Rosenberg 2011 p. 183 ) † . That means although these events are emotionally charged they are forgotten non because they are pushed out of consciousness but because the single mentally set them into another topographic point in their head. Evan finally moves off from this town go forthing Lenny. Tommy and Kayleigh. After that we notice that these sudden blackouts disappear and when he goes to college he is able to populate a normal life. Until. he reads one of his old diaries and all the old memories come back to him and he is able vividly see them through a procedure known as memory retrieval. He is even able to travel back in clip and alter his actions. Although this evidently is non possible in existent life. it is an illustration of a survey that shows that. â€Å"as we try to remember something our encephalon works to fit the encephalon province we had during the event we are retrieving ( DeNoon 2005 ) † . so when your encephalon province lucifers the province in your memory you’ll retrieve it a batch easier. This survey is true in Evan’s instance. because has he read through his diary entries he. in a sense. set himself into his teenage places and is able to visualise that exact minute he is reading. Therefore. a person’s emotion can impact a their memory retrieval. â€Å" ( It is ) much like when you try to retrieve where you set your keys last dark. if you recall that you were rinsing dishes. that might trigger associated memories. taking you to retrieve that your keys are following to the sink ( DeNoon 2005 ) † . Evan besides develops inexplicit memories during his frat male child lifestyle world. Implicit memories are memories â€Å"that can non be retrieved voluntarily but instead predispose a individual to treat information or act certain ways in the presence of specific stimulations ( Kosslyn and Rosenberg 2011 p. 169 ) † . In this altered world Evan becomes the leader of a fraternity and one of the popular athletes. a wholly different characters compared to his hardworking. diffident behaviour in the first world. Yet. even though it is still normal Evan exchanging through different worlds he starts to involuntarily develop these wonts the fraternity character would make. wish darnel on trials and bully younger pupils. These actions and personalities he developed is an illustration of a type of inexplicit memory known as wonts. Cheating on his psychological science trial and shouting at one of his pledges was a well-learned response that is carried out automatically. The following subject the film portrays is trauma in the character Lenny. Lenny is most affected by two traumatic events shown in the film. the first is when he by chance blows up a letter box killing a female parent and her babe and the 2nd is when he kills Tommy during one of Evan’s synergistic memory. After those experiences Lenny develops clear marks of post-traumatic emphasis upset ( PTSD ) . Harmonizing to the DSM-IV-TR. the diagnosing of PSTD is decided when three conditions are met. First. the individual experiences an event that involves an hurt or decease and Lenny clearly experienced decease through slaying the female parent and babe. and killing Tommy. Next. the traumatized individual responds to the state of affairs with fright. which Lenny shows from the utter daze after the letter box blows up and he becomes so afraid of what he has done that he collapses and ends up in hospitalized. Lenny shows â€Å"persistent turning away of anything associated with the injury ( Kosslyn and Rosenberg 2011 p. 420 ) † . This explains why Lenny. after so many old ages. was still in his room edifice theoretical account aeroplanes after Evan goes back place to him. Besides. when Evan asks Lenny to depict what happened during that event Lenny violently threatens him to kill him if he of all time mentions it once more. Model airplanes is a avocation he enjoys and it helps maintain him distracted from all his ideas. which is why his room contained over one 100 theoretical accounts. If he keeps himself preoccupied with the theoretical account planes. those ideas of killing the female parent will neer traverse his head. Not merely does Lenny and his theoretical account aeroplane avocation distract him from the injury but it besides show a really distinguishable relationship between dissociation and injury. Constance J. Dalenburg conducted an experiment which shows â€Å"that there is strong empirical support for the hypothesis that trauma causes dissociation ( a perceived withdrawal of the head from the emotional province or even from the organic structure ) . and that dissociation remains related to trauma history when phantasy proness is controlled ( Dalenberg 2012 ) † . After sing the two injury Lenny enters a dreamlike province where he wholly separates himself from the universe by remaining in his room all twenty-four hours and making nil else. Even when Evan comes to see him in his sleeping room or in the insane refuge he neer displays any emotions. talk to him or even acknowledge he is at that place. During the Canis familiaris blackout Lenny witnessed Tommy firing Evan’s Canis familiaris alive and Tommy told him. â€Å"if you tell anyone. I’ll slit your throat† . Lenny was discharged from the infirmary merely before that occurred and before Evan called him out to play we can see Lenny was busy working on a theoretical account aeroplane. Therefore. we can reason that Lenny makes these exemplary aeroplanes. corsets in his room all twenty-four hours and even maintain his room precisely the same ( which we can see because he still race auto bed ) because he seeking to distance himself from world and mentally return back to the exact clip before he witnessed Evan’s Canis familiaris being burned alive. The 3rd subject faced in the film is depression. Kayleigh and Evan go through periods of depression through three different altered worlds of the film. In the first altered world Evan goes back to his hometown and finds Kayleigh working as waitress. in the following altered world Kayleigh becomes a Hooker after Evan goes back and by chance putting to deaths Tommy. and in the last world Evan loses his weaponries and legs along with the love of his life. Kayleigh to Lenny. The four chief symptoms of major depressive upset ( depression ) shown throughout these scenes were insomnia and fatigue. heavy unhappiness. feeling of hopelessness. and ideas of self-destruction. In the first world Kayleigh shows physical marks of insomnia and fatigue. Physically. you can state by her sulky motions and heavy bags under her eyes that she is non acquiring plenty remainder. She so goes on to shout at him stating. â€Å"nothing’s of all time traveling to acquire better Evan. nil of all time gets better† . This quotation mark and the fact that she is merely a server shows the feeling of hopelessness and how she believes there is no existent hereafter and she will neer be genuinely happy due to her traumatising yesteryear. This feeling of hopelessness might hold occurred after Evan moved off from her. doing her to hold no 1 else to trust on. That alteration can besides do depression because when alteration occurs. emphasis happens. â€Å"Significant degrees of emphasis can ensue from any of import life alteration. but people vary well in the ways they respond to alter in their lives†¦ Their reactions depend on their resources and the contexts in which emphasis occurs. If you have the money. clip. and friends to assist you pick up and travel on after a break. you will surely do better ( Mcgregor 2006 ) † . all of which Kayleigh doesn’t have any longer. taking her to developed depression. Kayleigh besides cries and cry at Evan for conveying up old memories. a possible mark of heavy unhappiness. Finally. Evan finds out the following twenty-four hours that Kayleigh committed self-destruction. ( ideas of self-destruction ) which is the last symptom of clinical depression. In the 2nd world Evan finds Kayleigh in a tally down motel room as Hooker with a drug dependence. Kayleigh is portraying marks of ineptitude in her organic structure because of the sexual Acts of the Apostless she is involved in to have money. Due the sexual maltreatment she received from her male parent she now feels her organic structure is soiled or damaged doing her believe she in unworthy of being treated as a normal individual. This is a large part to her low ego regard and her drug maltreatment issue. Not merely does she experience used but the maltreatment she suffered from her pa. the first true male function theoretical account in her life. leaves her to experience that people will ever ache her. You can see her environment plays a large function in her depression because in the concluding altered world. she lives in a nurturing environment with her female parent and is eventually happy which leads her unrecorded to a normal happy life and a better calling. In the concluding world Evan loses his weaponries and legs after seeking to salvage the ma and kid from the detonation. During that scene Evan sees Kayleigh run up to Lenny and kiss him. You can state from his facial look he was experiencing unhappiness and compunction over non being with her when he knows he could be. After losing his weaponries and legs. Evan realizes life for him is hopeless. and he can neer amount to anything because he doesn’t weaponries or Kayleigh. so that mark of ineptitude is one time once more demoing. Evan tries to submerge himself in the film. demoing those ideas of self-destruction. Evan shows a clear illustration of Aaron Beck’s â€Å"negative cognitive threes of depression† . â€Å"The three consists of: a negative position of the universe. a negative position of the ego. and a negative position of the hereafter ( Kosslyn and Rosenberg 2011 p. 412 ) † . Evan views the universe as unjust because of his losing limbs. his disablement leave him to believe his life pointless. and he cognize his hereafter is nil without Kayleigh and his limbs. Finally. there was some usage of psychological schemes and therapy techniques Evan’s healer uses to seek to happen a manner to name and work out this rare disease. The first intervention Evan’s healer tried was hypnosis. The healer tried to quiet Evan. so told him to remember his memory of that mailbox event and â€Å"play. rewind. and pause it like a movie† . Hypnosis did non work in Evan’s instance. alternatively merely doing nose bleeds and concerns. As a kid. when his ma foremost realizes something is incorrect Evan is given a Magnetic Resonance Imaging ( MRI ) Scan to look for anything incorrect in his encephalon construction. Yet. they were non able to happen anything incorrect with his encephalon. The most effectual method used was inquiring Evan to maintain a diary of his day-to-day life. Diaries are normally used and is an illustration of one of â€Å"Beck’s cognitive therapy techniques† which is â€Å"the procedure of assisting clients view their state of affairs in a new visible radiation ( Kosslyn and Rosenberg 2011 p. 420 ) † . This method proves to be affectional because it helps Evan work out the root of his black outs and recognize he is able to travel back in clip during those blackouts and command his past organic structure. forestalling certain stimulations. In decision. you can see that The Butterfly Effect portrays a batch of psychological facts and upsets because of all the traumatic events these immature kids went through. The biggest facet of The Butterfly Effect is the different types of memory Evan uses in the film. like repression. retrieval. and inexplicit. The chief thought of the film is that one bantam alteration can wholly change the hereafter and we clearly see that through the different individuality each character goes through in the film. In some worlds Lenny is forced to populate life entirely and in fright under his utmost station traumatic emphasis upset due to all the traumatic events. In two worlds Kayleigh goes through symptoms of depression. like unhappiness. ideas of self-destruction. insomnia. and feelings of hopelessness due to factors like her sexual maltreatment and hostile environment. Each event the characterswent through dramas a drastic function on how they turned out. which shows that a batch of our life is truly non under our control.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Media and Politics essays

Media and Politics essays American politics have been quite a spectacle because of the influence of mass media and the way that American politics are run. Ideally, mass media is supposed to make it easier for people to participate in political decisions, understand how the government works, and hold government officials accountable. But in this day and age, the media is often used to manipulate and obscure the true form of political issues. Transparency in politics means to be seen through. People want to be able to see through what is going on in the head of the politician, so they turn to the media to give it to them. But instead, the people are like sheep. They see someone on the television and automatically assume that whatever they say is the truth because they said it on television. One strategy that politicians use is the diversion of attention. The attention of a group of people can be diverted by meaningless facts and words. With their minds somewhere else, it is harder for the public to recognize the real issues and separate the truth from fiction, thereby consuming time and attention. Another strategy used is the supplementation of reality. The politician seeks not to address the real issues, but instead to shift the ground of battle to issues of information management and technical questions of procedure. This insures that he/she will know what they are getting into before it actually happens. Th ese new issues can easily divert the attention of a large amount of people and the new issues often replace the old ones, now making the speaker a hero. Transparency can be a tricky tactic, but it is highly effective for the politician and can be beneficial to the election results. Transparency can easily change the thought process of a lot of a mass audience and is one way that the media has changed American politics. The television is an amazing medium for transferring and receiving information. Many differen ...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Each vs. Both

Each vs. Both Each vs. Both Each vs. Both By Maeve Maddox A reader asks, What is the correct usage for each and both? Example: You and I both know what its like. or You and I each know what its like. Each is singular. In relation to a group, it means â€Å"all of any number, considered individually.† Examples of usage: Each child in the school has been vaccinated against smallpox. When groups of individuals join together in business partnerships,  each  member of the partnership becomes bound by basic legal  duties.   Both is plural. It refers to two of something. Examples of usage: Both men are Nobel Prize winners. Walthers lectures were  both informative and entertaining. When speaking of two people, both is usually the more appropriate choice. The only reason to use each when speaking of two people/things would be to emphasize the individuality of separate acts or to avoid ambiguity. Consider the following sentences: 1. Jack and Bill share a room. Both are responsible for cleaning half. 2. Mr. Jones gave both his daughters a dog. 3. Both of us received a letter this morning. Most listeners would understand the first sentence to mean that each boy is responsible for one half of the room. Sentence three might be understood to mean that each of the two received separate letters. Sentence two is definitely ambiguous: Did each daughter receive a dog of her own, or did both daughters receive one dog to share? The following revisions would prevent misunderstanding: 1. Jack and Bill share a room. Each is responsible for cleaning half. 2. Mr. Jones gave each of his daughters a dog. 3. Each of us received a letter this morning. In the reader’s question, the first example is correct: â€Å"You and I both know what its like.† The second example presents an impossibility of agreement: â€Å"You and I each know what its like.† The subject â€Å"You and I† is plural and requires the plural verb know. The word each, however, is singular and would require the singular verb knows. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Possessive of Proper Names Ending in S30 Baseball Idioms10 Varieties of Syntax to Improve Your Writing

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Ch 5, 5, 7 (Questions and Answers) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ch 5, 5, 7 (Questions and Answers) - Essay Example Printed and electronic sources can be utilized for the research with electronic sources that are regularly updated giving accurate information. The internet has powerful search engines that can identify material to the specification of the researcher. A magazine that Specializes in flooring industry can be identified as long as the company’s information is on the internet. Public libraries can also be used to identify such companies. Q#5. Confronted by low sales, the president of Oaks International Inc. asks a research company to study the activities of the customer relation department in the corporation. What are some of the important reasons that this research project may fail to make an adequate contribution to the solution of management problems? A hotel has many divisions and the company should not limit the research agency to analysis of the customer relations department. All the departments in the hotel should be audited to give conclusive evidence. The problems may also be in various departments contributing to the general problem. Rectification of the sales department may solve part of the problem any may increase sales below the organizations potential. The research limitation to one department may yield biased results as the researchers are directed towards the problem. The company should hire the research company to evaluate the problem facing the company without pinpointing the source of the problem (Cooper & Schindler, 2010). To understand how hospitals prepare and train volunteers, the first step would be to identify some sample hospitals which to conduct research. After identifying these hospitals, the researcher should conduct a literature research by reading information from the internet and books on how the process of preparation and training of workers takes place. The researcher can then visit the sample hospitals and compare them with those from the literature

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Price of gold Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Price of gold - Essay Example The world market has seen a sharp rise in need of keeping wealth in the form of gold. The increase in demand by business persons and central banks in different regions requires an increase in supply of gold. The demand has not been met with similar supply because of constant factors in the supply chain. The suppliers of gold are not increasing their mining capacities in purchasing additional machineries or identifying new mines. The rise in demand with no rise in supply eventually leads to sharp increase in the prices of gold (Wise 2012). The rises in prices can persist for two years before the supply matches up with the demand through an increase in supply. Different factors make the market supply of gold inelastic limiting on supply capacity of miners. Gold mining is an expensive undertaking that needs investors to put a lot of resource in building crushing and drilling machineries. The massive investment cannot be made in a short time to meet the enormous demand in the market lead ing to a constant supply being made no matter the increase in demand of product in the market. Increase in supply can be made through long-term investment that can extend to 10 years before production begins. The inability of suppliers to respond to forces of demand leaves the market volatility high. The huge numbers of speculators in the market contributes volatility in gold prices. ... The supplier will increase prices because they cannot meet the large demand in the market. The increase in supply price can get to 11% increase with regard to the increase in demand. Announcement of huge releases of gold to the market in large quantity on prediction prices will remain high leads to reduction in prices (Thomas, 2012). The large amount supply with no increase in demand means sharp decreases in prices sometimes totaling to 5% decrease from previous day’s prices. The world gold supply from recycling vendors has seen sharp decrease. People selling their gold ware during the global economic crisis caused the decrease. Statistic have shown recycling supply used to cater for 45% of the world market in 2008. In 2011 recycling source of gold contributed 2% of the world gold supply which was a small proportion compared to the previous 45% supply. The fall in the amount of recycled gold available in the market with demand increase has led to prices increases. This leaves the supply from the mines to cater for 98% of all the demands. Lack of ability by the miners to cater for the 98%has contributed to the volatility leading to a sharp increase in prices of gold (Jeff, 2012). The central banks from different countries were key suppliers of gold to the markets. The banks released large amounts of their gold to the market without making purchases to replenish the dwindling stocks. The exhaustion of gold in their bulk meant that the different countries bank start purchasing the gold in competition with the retail purchasers. The purchasing of gold by the central bank increases demand while their lack of ability to supply creates shortage (BBC, 2011). The two forces of demand and supply lead

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Sophocles Antigone - Creons Mistakes :: Antigone essays

Creon's Mistakes in Antigone In the awe-inspiring play of Antigone, Sophocles introduces two remarkable characters, Antigone and Creon. A conflict between these two obstinate characters leads to fatal consequences for themselves and their kindred. The firm stances of Creon and Antigone stem from two great imperatives: his loyalty to the state and her dedication to her family, her religion but most of all her conscience. The identity of the tragic hero of this play is still heavily debated. This tragedy could have been prevented if it had not been for Creon's pitiful mistakes. Creon's character possesses an infinite number of glitches in his personality, but his excessive pride was the root of his problems. His pride leads him to make accusations, before he considers the wise advice of others. Creon's pride also fills him not just as a king superior to the Gods, but also a man superior to women. The issue of Antigone being condemned to die becomes more than just a person who disobeys Creon; instead, the punishment is given even more eagerly, because it is a woman who disobeys a man. Creon's intelligent son warns Creon the people of Thebes sympathize with Antigone, but Creon accuses Haemon of being a "woman's slave" (line 756). Even though he is suppose to be loyal to the state and her citizens, he defensively questions if "the town [is] to tell [him] how [he] ought to rule?"(Line 734)The Theban king is too prideful to obey even the wisest of prophets, blind Teresias, insisting that "the whole crew of seers are money-mad" (line 1055). C reon finally puts his pride aside and listens to the Chorus' wise advice. It is difficult even then, and he obeys only because he fears the punishment that he might receive. "To yield [for Creon] is terrible" (line 1095) meaning to swallow his pride and admit that he is wrong is a very difficult thing for him to do. When Creon loses his wife and son, Creon's pride disappears, and he admits that he made a terrible mistake by not listening to anyone's advice. Antigone, a resolute and heroic female protagonist, pits her individual free will against the intractable forces of fate and against the irrational and unjust laws of tyrannical man like Creon.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Free Will in Christianity Essay

Christianity is derived from a mixture of elements of Roman religious myths, Pagan myths and god-men stories, sun worship and Gnosticism. Christianity has no room for free will, but for psychological or other reasons, many Christians have believed in genuine individual free will. Everyone is regarded as having a free choice as to in what measure he or she will follow his or her conscience or arrogance, these two having been appointed for each individual. The more one follows one’s conscience, the more it brings one good results, and the more one follows one’s arrogance, the more it brings one bad results. In Christianity God is described as not only omniscient but also omnipotent which implies that not only has God always known what choices individuals will make tomorrow, but has actually determined those choices. That is, they believe, by virtue of his foreknowledge, he knows what will influence individual choices, and by virtue of his omnipotence, he controls those factors. God still gives individuals the power to ultimately choose or reject everything, regardless of any internal or external conditions relating to the choice. For example, when Jesus was nailed on the cross, the two criminals, one on each side, were about to die. Only one asked Jesus for forgiveness while the other, even at the end of his life with nothing else to lose, mocked Jesus. This was a free and personal choice between everlasting death and everlasting life. Since God is omniscient, God has foreknowledge, meaning he knows what everyone will do in the future and what any individual would do in any given situation. This foreknowledge enables God to have a plan for everyone’s life. For instance, if God wants a particular action to occur, he knows who would choose to do that action, and under what circumstances they would choose it; thus he is able to plan for it to happen. However, God’s knowing what choices we will make is simply knowledge it does not remove our free will, for we are still the ones making the choices. The Bible also says and teaches that there is no free will and that God’s plan overrides our free will, those that do good do the specific good that God predestined them to do, and Satan rules all others because God sends â€Å"powerful delusions† to them. As quoted in Ephesians 1:4-6 â€Å"Praise be to [God], who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. † Catholic Christianity’s emphasis on free will and grace is often contrasted with predestination in reformed protestant Christianity, especially after the Counter-Reformation. However, in understanding differing conceptions of free will it is just as important to understand the differing conceptions of the nature of God, focusing on the idea that God can be all-powerful and all knowing even while people continue to exercise free will, because God does not exist in time. It is further understood that in order for Man to have true free choice, he must not only have inner free will, but also an environment in which a choice between obedience and disobedience exists. God thus created the world such that both good and evil can operate freely. Comprehensively the Christian Bible denies free will and any element of choice in what good works we do. God has picked who will do what good deeds, and God punishes and rewards people on account of what God has chosen, in accordance with God’s plan and purpose. According to The Bible, God definitely does not like being quizzed on this matter of Free will; Paul is honest about God’s lack of justice. Paul states multiple times, in accordance with the rest of the scripture we see on this page, that free will and personal choices are not the important factor in salvation: Paul then goes further in Romans 9 and admits that God is arbitrary, and it’s simply tough that people were created for ‘common use’ as slaves of Satan, and that only some are created for ‘noble purposes’. Reference: Roberts, Jenny, 1997. â€Å"Bible Facts†. Grange Books, London.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

How to Find the Lyra Constellation

The nighttime skies of the northern hemisphere summer and southern hemisphere winter feature a tiny constellation called Lyra, the Harp. Located next to Cygnus the Swan, Lyra has a long history and harbors a few fascinating surprises for stargazers. Finding Lyra To locate Lyra, look for Cygnus. Its right next door. Lyra looks like a small lopsided box or a parallelogram in the sky. Its also not far from the constellation Hercules, a hero honored by the Greeks in their pantheon of myths and legends. The Myth of Lyra The name Lyra comes from the Greek myth of Orpheus, a musician. Lyra represents his lyre, made by the god Hermes. Orpheus lyre produced such beautiful music that it brought inanimate objects to life and charmed the legendary sirens. Orpheus married Eurydice, but she was killed by a snakebite, and Orpheus had to follow her to the underworld to get her back. Hades, the god of the underworld, said he could have her back as long as he didnt look at her as they left his realm. Unfortunately, Orpheus couldnt help but look, and Eurydice was lost forever. Orpheus spent the rest of his life in grief, playing his lyre. After he died, his lyre was placed in the sky as a tribute to his music and the loss of his wife. The constellation Lyra, one of the 48 constellations of antiquity, represents that lyre. The Stars of Lyra The IAU official constellation outline of Lyra. This also shows the location of two deep-sky objects observers can search out. IAU/Sky Telescope.   Constellation Lyra has only five main stars in its main figure, but the full constellation with all its boundaries contains many more. The brightest star is called Vega, or alphaLyrae. Its one of the three stars in the Summer Triangle, along with Deneb (in Cygnus) and Altair (in Aquila). Vega, the fifth-brightest star in the nighttime sky, is an A-type star that appears to have a ring of dust around it. At 450 million years old, Vega is considered a young star. It was once our North Pole star about 14,000 years ago and will be again about the year 13,727. The Summer Triangle and the constellations that lend their stars to it. Carolyn Collins Petersen Other interesting stars in Lyra include ÃŽ µ Lyrae, which is a double-double star, meaning that each of its two stars is a double star, as well. ÃŽ ² Lyrae (the second-brightest star in the constellation) is a binary star with two members that orbit so closely that occasionally material from one star spills over to other. That causes the stars to brighten as they do their orbital dance together.  Deep-sky Objects in Lyra Lyra has a few interesting deep-sky objects. The first is called M57, or the Ring Nebula. Its a planetary nebula, the remains of a sun-like star that died and expelled its material out to space to form what looks like a ring. Actually, the cloud of star-atmosphere material is more like a sphere, but from our point of view on Earth, it looks more like a ring. This object is easiest to spot with good binoculars or a telescope.   The Ring Nebula as seen by Hubble Space Telescope, with a white dwarf at the heart of the Ring Nebula. This is a Hubble Space Telescope image. Through binoculars or a small telescope, the ring looks like a small greyish-green oval. NASA/ESA/STScI. The other object in Lyra is the globular star cluster M56. It, too, can be seen with binoculars or telescope. For observers with a good telescope, Lyra also contains a galaxy called NGC 6745. Its more than 200 million light-years away, and scientists think it collided with another galaxy in the distant past.   Scientific Findings in Lyra The constellation Lyra is home to stars with planets that orbit them. Theres a Jupiter-mass planet circling an orange star called HD 177830.  Other stars nearby also have planets, including one called TrES-1b. It was discovered crossing the field of view between Earth and its parent star (called a transit discovery), and theres some thought the star might be somewhat like Earth. Astronomers will have to do more follow-up observations to determine what kind of planet it really is. Such planetary discoveries are part of the Kepler Telescopes mission to find stars with exoplanets. It stared at this region of the sky for years, searching for worlds among the stars of the constellations Lyra, Cygnus, and Draco.